Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another Day, Another Couple Of Good Poker Sessions

Today I played in two different sessions, one was at Bill's Gambling Saloon, and the other session was at Caesars. The contrast between the two different rooms was undeniable, and each one has its positives and negatives.

As far as the poker went I played much longer at Bill's than I did at Caesars, but I finished both sessions with a combined ROI (Return On Investment) of 100%. This means, if I bought in for a dollar, I cashed out for two. My session at Bills was a grind because the strong hands were few and far between. I was fortunate to catch one straight draw that gave me a nice pot. The odds were very close and I didn't want to regret the fold if my card came (which it did) on the river.

I was also able to fold pocket Jacks pre-flop when I was re-raised by a strong gambler. After I folded he told me it was a good fold and that he had Kings. I told him I had Jacks and he was surprised that I had enough restraint. To me, it's an easy fold. This person has seen me play only strong hands for raises. Since I know he's good enough to be observant I know he won't risk another raise from me on a bluff so I was 90% sure that he had a better hand than I did. So many people hate playing Jacks because they are so hard to play. I find them pretty easy to play since I'm disciplined enough to fold them in a bad situation.

Bill's poker room was very casual and relaxed. It reminded me of the clubs I've played at in the cite, where the players and dealers are permitted to chat about the hands and have a good time. They still follow most of the rules, but they aren't afraid to have a good time. This also results in some important rules being ignored or passed over. At one point the dealer pitched a card off the table and it landed on the floor. In 99% of card rooms the entire hand is a mis-deal, but at Bill's they allowed him to play the hand. Also, I was allowed to use my iPhone all session and since Bill's had an open connection I was able to access the Internet all day. Most casino's won't let you use a cell phone at the table.

After that session was done I headed off to Caesars since I have never played there. It was an amazing room, well organized, structured and running smoothly. The tables and chips were nice, dealers were efficient and friendly and the players were also very good. The people I was playing against were knowledgeable and this kept the game moving nicely. People played their hands well and even though this makes the game move nicely, it also places a higher importance on getting strong cards.

My only really eventful hand was when I was dealt two Aces. I was planning to leave soon but I of course raised this hand since I was in early position. I had one caller and the flop came Jack high, with two clubs. I bet and he called. The turn was another Jack. Dammit, I now figure he is 50/50 to having a Jack in his hand. I bet again and he calls. Uh-Oh. The river isn't a club or any other important card so I check, trying to keep the pot manageable in case he makes a small bet. Luckily for me he checks also and I know my Ace's are good. I thanked the dealer for giving me some nice "sheer terror" on the turn and tipped him. The dealer promptly replied, "if you heart doesn't get racing, the pot wasn't worth winning." I agree with him 100%. A couple hands later I was up and off the table. The yawning has begun and I know it's better to rest than force a tired session.

Time to get some rest for tomorrow.

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