Saturday, March 1, 2008

Playing Well At Full Tilt, Party, Not So Much

I haven't had much success at Party since receiving my bonus. I was playing a bit out of my bankroll with their Sit and Go's, the SnG's took forever to fill up and even though I was always in contention of cashing the blinds seemed to get up to high late in the SnG. I also played a little Pot Limit Omaha High Low cash games. These usually never went very well. I would build up my stack then suffer a bad beat and that would clear out a lot of hard work. I'm glad I was able to play more at the site, and that it was technically free but now that my bonus has been used up I'm back to playing full time at Full Tilt where I have been playing very well. My success is coming primarily in PLO8 9 and 18 person Sit and Go's. I guess my style of play is more successful in PLO8 tournaments rather then cash games.

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