Sunday, January 21, 2007

Maybe it’s just January

Three weeks into January and my poker is not going as I had hoped. I have played several sit and go’s and a little bit of cash games and nothing is really going my way. Financially I have not lost a lot of money, only 15% of my bankroll but the bad beats at Full Tilt are starting to get to me. I don’t think that Full Tilt is rigged, nor do I think any reputable site is, but I am certainly going to start playing elsewhere so see if things improve.

I’d say that 25% of my losses are due to playing badly or making mistakes, but that leaves 75% to bad beats, and I can be honest and say that I have suffered my fair share. On one hand, getting the bad beats means that at least I was ahead in the hand and just got unlucky, but on the other hand it’s very frustrating.

January of 2006 was the same way. Things just weren’t going my way on the felt. Once February rolled around things started to improve and I ended up having a very good year. Everyone goes through these periods of ‘rough play’ and I’m no different. I just need to make sure I keep my head on straight and get my money in with the best of it.

The key is to keep moving forward. I know for the most part I’m playing well and making the right decisions, and the cards will break for me in the long run. I just have to stay focused, patient and take advantage of the times where the cards come my way.